Insights - Pythagoras Solutions

Black-out? 99.9% highly available servers and secure data flow

Written by Christine Winkler | Sep 20, 2022 7:43:00 AM

Black-out? 99.9% hochverfügbare Server und sicherer Datenfluss

Blackouts in autumn and winter? And then? How is our data available and secured if the power goes out as announced? In times of resource scarcity, digitized companies are asking themselves these important questions. We followed up on this long before the current situation and are prepared accordingly.


Most Swiss companies are digitalized. High server availability and a continuous data flow are essential. The daily monitoring of compliance-relevant reference data, such as this from Refinitiv and Dow Jones Factiva, must be „guaranteed“ despite possible power blackouts. The highest relevance exists for the financial sector. But government agencies(eSHAB), the goods industry, and other companies obliged to audit are also dependent on a continuous flow of data.

That’s why we’re simplifying the situation for you and reducing your worries, because Pythagoras Ltd has been relying on Swisscom’s secure, high-availability data center since 2019.


99.9% availability and secure data flow

Swisscom’s high-availability data center offers a high level of IT expertise, supported by preventive management. Swisscom seamlessly provides emergency power generators to bridge the power supply in the event of black-outs, i.e. power failures or interruptions. Their experts monitor the data center around the clock, thereby ensuring redundancy and supporting our IT specialists.




Strong partnership – DCS+ is a highly available data center of Swisscom

We have been relying on Swisscom’s professional data center services since 2019, to be able to guarantee you high availability of the download servers. Our servers are distributed or mirrored in two of Swisscom’s seven high-availability data centers, which meet high-security standards. The data is geo-redundant and stored exclusively in Switzerland.





That is why we trust on Swisscom’s technology and service competence as well as its proven practical experience.

We see this as a striking advantage and are pleased to be able to pass this on to you directly.



Maximum security

Our Pythagoras update servers, IT infrastructure, and data are also protected against fire, sabotage, water, and at the same time unauthorized access to the Swisscom Data Center. Therefore, Swisscom regulates access via a multi-level biometric system. A data fort Knox.


Better safe than sorry

We are convinced that we are well prepared for the autumn and winter phase of 2022. We have checked and ensured everything possible so that you are able to retrieve your reference date at any time. Unfortunately, we cannot influence if the data center will be accessible from the outside, because for example, the network is not available. Nevertheless, we hope it won’t come to that in the first place.

Kind regards and a successful fourth quarter.

The Pythagoras Management

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