Insights - Pythagoras Solutions


Written by Christine Winkler | Jun 6, 2024 7:25:33 AM

The COMPLIANCEforBANKS 2024 event of the BANKINGCLUB will take place on 02 and 03 July 2024 in Cologne and we will be there. Why? Because this year, we are premium partner of the BANKINGCLUB and we look forward to making new contacts and exchanging valuable information by answering the following questions:

  • Which upcoming regulations are particularly important for the financial sector?

  • How can the fight against money laundering be made more effective?

  • Which methods and technologies can be used to better manage the compliance burden?

  • And how to build a risk and compliance culture within your organisation?

When and where is COMPLIANCEforBANKS 2024?

Tuesday, 02.07. - Wednesday, 03.07.2024
Motorworld Cologne at the Butzweilerhof
Butzweilerstrasse 35-39
50829 Cologne

Our experts in Cologne

By clicking on the names above, you can connect with them on LinkedIn.

For more details on the event, please visit our COMPLIANCEforBANKS 2024 event landing page. On this page we offer you the opportunity to book free and non-binding discussion with our experts with our compliance experts on site!


Our contributions to the programme

We are delighted to add the following presentations to the already exciting programme of the event. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Christoph Urschel for his cooperation.



Risk management - a 360° view of operational risks

Hubert Krattinger Chief Customer Officer Attorney-at-Law Pythagoras


Payment transaction screening and KYC - where does the new Instant Payment Regulation bring relief?

Christoph Urschel
Specialist - Risk Intelligence
LSEG World-Check

We are also looking forward to the panel discussion.
We are happy to provide details in a review, soon to be found on our blog.




Let's talk about compliance, even if you're not coming to Cologne!

Do you already have questions or do you want to automate KYC, KYS and AML screening and monitoring, reduce false positives and effectively avoid false negatives with our compliance tool?

Book a CONSULTATION DEMO and get advice from our compliance experts!

We are at your service.


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