Banking Club Event 2024


Pythagoras is Premium Partner 2024

Tue, 02.07. - Wed, 03.07.2024

Motorworld Cologne at Butzweilerhof
Butzweilerstrasse 35-39
50829 Cologne

We look forward to exciting presentations, encounters and discussions.

All key data about the event

02.07.2024 - Presentation

Risk management - a 360° view of operational risks

Hubert Krattinger

Chief Customer Officer | Attorney-at-Law

Pythagoras Ltd.

03.07.2024 - Lecture

Payment transaction screening and KYC - where does the new Instant Payment Regulation bring relief?

Christoph Urschel

Specialist – Risk Intelligence

LSEG World-Check

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Want more information about 360° risk management?

Attend our free webinar on 13 June 2024

All details can be found on the registration page by clicking on the following button. The webinar will be held in English. Register even if you cannot attend to receive the recording afterwards.

Risk Management & Compliance: differences and synergies

Get further details on 360° Risk Management and its obstacles...