A new strong partnership with Reguvis

3 min read
Jun 5, 2023 6:20:00 AM

“HADDEX” – Pythagoras` new reference database for your export controls

Export control is an indispensable tool to prevent or react to foreign and security policy risks. However, the numerous requirements in export control change daily. Anyone who still checks sanctions lists manually today has a lot of work to do.

That is why we have added Data Content HADDEX sanctions lists to our portfolio of reference data sources. Based on official publications, the daily updated HADDEX Sanctions Lists database is published by Reguvis in cooperation with the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA).

Pythagoras enables the customized integration of the Data Content into your system for a daily automated reconciliation of your business partners with Data Content HADDEX list collection. This way you implement the export control regulations in a legally compliant way for your company.

Why Reguvis?


Reguvis Fachmedien is a cooperation partner of the Bundesanzeiger Publishing house. Thanks to the cooperation with the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA), the HADDEX sanctions lists based on official publications are always up-to-date.

BAFA in Germany implements the security concerns and foreign policy interests of the Federal Republic of Germany in the field of foreign trade law and within the framework of political guidelines. BAFA acts as the centrally responsible administrative and licensing authority of the Federal Government.

Reguvis stands for high professional competence, networking and topicality and develops sustainable products and services for:

– Foreign trade
– Customs
– Contracting
– Compliance
– Family/Support
– Construction/Real Estate.

The Reguvis portfolio comprises more than 50 specialist portals and online applications. Among them are more than 1,000 books, trade journals and information services, customer-specific data services, and a large number of congresses, conferences, and professional seminars.
That’s why Pythagoras and Reguvis are strong partners.

Learn more about Reguvis or Stories and current announcements.

Meeting the requirements of export control calmly

By checking your business contacts against UN and EU sanctions lists, the sanctions regimes of the USA, such as the SDN, DPL, Entity List, as well as other states, including SECO, METI, HMT, DFAT, you avoid violations of financial sanctions and provisioning prohibitions.

Effective export control is based on licensing obligations, which result in particular from the following laws and regulations:

Notifications of changes are made on a daily basis or promptly after publication by the respective source.

The entries are continuously and carefully processed. In some cases, these include several names including aliases and addresses, which gives you the greatest possible number of search options – without additional manual effort.

HADDEX from Reguvis – daily updated, clearly arranged sanctions lists

Reguvis Fachmedien is a cooperation partner of the Bundesanzeiger publishing house. Thanks to the cooperation with the the HADDEX sanctions lists based on official publications are always up-to-date.

– All EU financial sanctions (source: “Official Journal of the EU”)
– Publications in the “Bundesanzeiger”
– Lists recommended for review by the U.S. Department of Commerce
– United Kingdom List (HMT Her Majesty’s Treasury)
– Japanese List: Japanese End User List METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).
– Canadian List: OSFI (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions)
– Swiss SECO List
– UN Consolidated Sanctions List

Notifications of changes are not made before publication, but on a daily basis or shortly after publication by the respective source. This enables you to react quickly to important changes and to stop critical deliveries in time!

In addition to the HADDEX sanctions lists, information on indirect sanctions, such as the OFAC 50% Rule and EU and UK indirect provision bans, as well as data on Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) lists can be provided upon request.

Data Content Zusatzlisten/PEP-Daten (https://shop.reguvis.de/online-ausgabe/data-content-zusatzlisten-pep-daten/)


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